Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We have LIFT OFF...

My sweet hubby snapped a picture of me when we arrived at the airport. It became very apparent that I should have packed less! Here I thought that I had done pretty well. First leg of the trip got me into Charlotte North Carolina around 4pm, for a very quick layover. I had just enough time to make a few phone calls and change my voice mail before my cell phone becomes obsolete. I am on my flight…somewhere over the ocean right now. Next stop Madrid! Looking forward to arriving, strong turbulence has me shutting down for now. I couldn't help but have Conrad get one shot of us before we said our goodbyes…for now. I think I will spend some time reading ahead for my classes on Monday. J

I arrived in Madrid!  It was a wonderful flight.  To begin I had the seat next to me free.  About an hour into the flight a woman got reassigned to the seat because hers was broken.  She was a delight to get to know.  She is a professora from Salt Lake City who teaches Spanish, theatre and literature. We chatted it up.  She is from Sevilla, Spain so I was able to pick her brain about a million things.  Her husband is an American.  He was in the navy and stationed in Spain when they met and married 22 years ago.  Very romantic story.  Sunrise in Madrid!
The airport was a breeze.  I just followed the signs, which were in English.  I got my bag and then followed the taxi signs outside.  I was directed to a taxi where I attempted to tell the man where I needed to go in Spanish.  It probably wasn't the best Spanish because he looked at me funny.  I pointed at the piece of paper with the hotel name and address and he said, "Ah, Si!" and off we went.  It was an interesting ride through the city, listening to Bob Marley.  I love roundabouts, old buildings and statues.  It feels so good to be here.
At the Hotel Ganivet I checked in as my email instructions directed.  I got assigned to room 235.  I promptly went upstairs hoping to get in a nice shower before spending the day walking around the city.  The room was all nice and neat just waiting for lil ole me.  I had no more than flopped my weary body down on the bed...
when the phone rang.  The lobby was calling and apparently they had given me the wrong room.  No problemo, I schlepped my stuff down to the lobby, where they said I was supposed to be in a shared room.  Ok now up to room 427.  I knocked and then opened the door.  There were 3 other students half naked and sound asleep, the room was all dark and they looked at me super annoyed.  I quietly backed out of the room and went back to the lobby.  I asked how much it would be for a room to myself.  An additional 74 euros? I'll pass.  Plan B...any other available shared rooms?  Yes 234.  A room for 3 with 2 guests in it.  I will take it.  This room is much better.  At least the 2 other guests were awake and preparing for their tour.  2 kiddos, Kevin and Chris from ASU.  Very helpful with directions to a few places that I can walk to from the hotel. They leave in the morning and have tours all day today so I have the room to myself.  Not the clean room in the picture but hey I am happy to be here and to have a twin bed of my own.  Europe!  Gotta love it.  So for now I am going to shower and hit the calles en la ciudad (streets of the city? I need some credit for trying).

Glad to be here and looking forward to meeting up with my group and girls tomorrow!  :)


  1. Cait just left for the airport....see you in T-minus ??? (time change and such-lol). Looks like your adventure had an intresting start. I'm looking forward to reading Cait and your blogs....that way this "worry-wart" momma will know that you all are safe and enjoying what will be a grand adventure! <3

  2. What an adventure already!! I hope you have a wonderful time!! Miss you already!! I'm excited to keep up to date with your blog!

  3. WOW! Sounds like a fun first day! I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts! I can't wait to see you in a month! Miss you already and wish we could have chatted before you left! Guess we will have a TON to catch up on when you get home. Love you!
