Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mas Football y Playa (and of course esquela y trabajo-casa)…

Thursday June 14
Today was a great day! Spent the day in class learning so much my brain always feels fried after!  I love the conversations and the structure that both professors use in the small classroom setting. We put our desks in an oval or a circle so we are able to have a lot of dialog. I met with my group to work on our presentation after class and we had some amazing burritos at a kebab place. We decided on doing our presentation on tourism, immigration and the family structure of the Spaniards. Then I met up with some of my girls for a beach day to work on our readings and our tans.

After our beach day we got on our Espana shirts, well a few of us. Some decided they weren't cool and sexy so they bailed on us. Oh well…the cool ones wore them.
We went back to the same bar to watch Spain play Ireland. It was a great game.

Kye and I.  I love this girl!!  She's all heart. 
My roomies Cait and Sam! 
At half time a few of us snuck away to meet up with the professors. They were at a dive bar not far away and the crowd was amazing. They seemed like locals who go to the same bar for every game. They knew we were Americans and several times they started chanting USA…USA…USA. When Espana won they grabbed everyone out of the bar and lit fire works on the street. It was a blast. 
Then we walked back to meet up with the other group. We did a little dancing at one of the clubs and then I called it a night. Sam, Alicia and I made the walk back to the house. I just love the streets here at night. It's off to Granada tomorrow!

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