Saturday, June 2, 2012

These feet were made for walking...

Today was spectacular!  We met for our ever decliciouso breakfast.  Several of the people in the group had been out partying most the night so they were not up for site seeing until later in the day.  Cait, Alyssa and I decided to go ahead and get a jump start on the day before it got to hot. 
We jumped on the metro...
and headed out for a looooooong walk to the Museo del Prado which was breath takingly beautiful.
Can you believe this is in the middle of the street in the heart of the city??!! Fortuna Neptune...seriously this place is oozing with beauty!
Ok...ok so taking photos is not allowed at the museum but seriously how could I not snap a few!!
It was packed with amazing art work from El Greco, Goya, Velazquez, Bosch and many more.  There were artists that were painting the paintings and sculptures throughout the museum.  It was a treat to see and watch them work.  The majority of the paintings were much larger than I had expected them to be. 
After the museum we walked around a little bit more and headed to the Botanical Gardens...
The greenery was AMAZING!  There was so much it was almost overwhelming.  Cait and I played tree huggers and tucked in for a squeeze with the big elm...
Then there was a greenhouse enclosure with desert and tropical plants.  Can you say HUMID!
After all of this a much needed footsy break time was in order...
Alyssa looking muy bonita!
All through the botanical gardens were statues and fountains.  It was fun to watch the birds bathe in them. I also noticed the grounds keepers working away and it reminded me that while some of us are on vacation others are working hard to make things enjoyable for the rest of us. 
As if we had not seen enough we noticed on la mapa there was a Palacio Cristal not to far from where we were.  Ah why only live once!  And we walked on toward the MASSIVE jardin in Retiro Park where there were two palaces and a monumento.  Unbelievable...feast your eyes on this!
Our walking path was dirt and let me tell you sandals and dirt=some pretty nasty dirty feet.  There were lots of runners and I was inspired to get my run on...
Paddle boating at the monument is a spanish pass time...
The Palacio Cristal was gorgeous and full of neat glass artwork.
After our adventura in the jardin we had worked up quite an appetite! Sangria and comida at Cafe y Te was fantastic and there was air conditioning.  Awesome on a swelteringly hot day!
Mmmm...In Spain the big meal of the day is served around 2:30.  After our meal and ride back on the metro we did as the Spaniards and took a siesta. 
We all got ready and hit the town for some tapas before our Flamenco show. Evening doesnt start here until 9pm and the streets were still packed at 1:30am when our show was over.  Talk about night life!

Cait and I... 
Alisha and Ashtin
Kathryn and Alyssa
Cat and Anne
Who wants ice cream??
Waiting to go into the Corral De La Moreria, El Tablao Flamenco after we were walked there by a lovely gentleman.  Everyone has been so welcoming and helpful.  And who ever said they don't care for Americans!
Finally the show we had all been waiting for...sorry no flash photography so this will have to do.  Flamenco was spectacular.  It reminded me of a mixture of tap and belly dancing.  The costumes were gorgeous!
Now its almost 4am and I have been working on loading all the pics from today for almost 2 hours.  I am done!  :)  Hope you enjoyed.  I know we did!
Off to Alicante tomorrow which is where we will call home for the next month.  I love train travel.  Adios!

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